July 29, 2016 // NCA

The famous Harvard Journal of Law recently published research entitled “Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?” written by Atty. Don B. Kates and Dr. Gary Mauser. A surprising conclusion revealed that there is a relationship between the ownership of guns and reduced crime rate in an area. Most people would expect Harvard to give […]

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How To Overcome Your Fear of Carrying Concealed

July 28, 2016 // General

We weren’t all raised with guns. A lot of people pick up a rifle or pistol for the first time for either military or law enforcement training. For those of us who  either grew up around firearms, were involved in competitions, or just had friends who knew how to use them, there is little fear […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Buying Handguns for Newbies

July 28, 2016 // NCA

Buying a handgun is more intimidating than it seems especially for a newbie. There is whole lot of information out there that will make things more complex than easier. The various ways you can enrich yourself is by reading gun magazines or stuff over Internet to familiarize yourself with this thing called handgun. You might […]

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How Possible Is It For A Gun To Accidentally Go Off?

July 27, 2016 // NCA

It is not uncommon to hear about someone claiming that he accidentally shot himself in the thigh or any part of the body. You will sometimes hear from the news that the gun just went off by itself and you’ll think, ‘is this really possible?’ Add to your thinking that guns nowadays and even guns […]

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Are you mentally prepared to use deadly force?

July 27, 2016 // NCA

Assuming you’ve already taken necessary courses, met the legal requirements in your state and have obtained your permit to carry a firearm, have you put much thought into whether or not you are willing to use deadly force?  As a permit to carry course instructor, I always pose this question to my participants because I […]

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July 26, 2016 // Uncategorised

Holsters Purses

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Effective Self-Defense System

July 26, 2016 // NCA

When it comes to an effective self-defense system, there are five key elements. One of the elements is your choice of personal protection device. It can be a gun, pepper spray, knife, personal alarm and many more, or you can have all of these items. The next element is your choice of equipment to carry, […]

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July 26, 2016 // NCA

Castle Doctrine. Stand Your Ground Law.  Self-Defense.  Deadly force.  All of these terms are “buzz words” in the rhetoric of legally armed citizens and anti-gun media and politicians alike.  But what do they mean?  All terms have to do with ensuring a good guy has the law on his side, so long as he plays […]

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Double Action/Single Action (DA/SA)

July 25, 2016 // NCA

There is a particular type of trigger found on the Beretta M9, the Sig 226 and 232, the Taurus, the Beretta 92 and Px4 Storm, and other semi-automatic DA/SA pistols. The first shot can be double action or single action, depending on if the trigger is pressed initially for double action or if the hammer […]

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Consequences For Driving Drunk and Carrying Gun In New Jersey

July 25, 2016 // NCA

Questions to answer. Drunk driving in Mansfield, New Jersey? Check. Drunk while carrying a concealed gun? Check. Executing those two in the state of New Jersey? Big check. A brief snippet about a man who got pulled over drunk in New Jersey was delivered to us by the Mansfield News Journal. Let’s make this clear […]

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