September 25, 2018
With football season started, every game opening starts off with everyone standing to sing our great national anthem. I’ve been thinking about what the founding fathers intention was when they wrote the Bill of Rights which protects our basic and inherit rights to speech religion, and the right to bear arms. This has become a hotly debated topic in the last several years. Anti-gun activists would have us believe that it was never the intent of the founding fathers to protect an individual’s right to a gun because they had established a militia to protect the people. Government did not protect the people then and they don’t always do it now.
In reality, you have to look at the historical context of the times they lived in. The American colonists lived under the British rule of King George. The King oppressed the colonists with heavy taxes and restrictions on their liberties and did not listen to their pleas for help. Instead he sent military forces to America to squash their rebellion.
The Bill of Rights was a declaration of what every American should be entitled to as a citizen in America: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the right to defend themselves, their loved ones and their property and a voice in the government of the nation. The right to bear arms was intended to put teeth into the demand for freedom from oppression.
Thomas Jefferson described their intent completely in the Common Place Book.
“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
241 years later, Thomas Jefferson’s argument still holds true. Those that want to disarm us by removing our right to bear arms are essentially leaving us at the mercy of criminals and attackers.
So, every time I hear the national anthem, I will honor the founding fathers of our great country and say thank you for being wiling to lose their lives in order to protect our lives. God Bless the USA!
September 25, 2018
With football season started, every game opening starts off with everyone standing to sing our great national anthem. I’ve been thinking about what the founding fathers intention was when they wrote the Bill of Rights which protects our basic and inherit rights to speech religion, and the right to bear arms. This has become a hotly debated topic in the last several years. Anti-gun activists would have us believe that it was never the intent of the founding fathers to protect an individual’s right to a gun because they had established a militia to protect the people. Government did not protect the people then and they don’t always do it now.
In reality, you have to look at the historical context of the times they lived in. The American colonists lived under the British rule of King George. The King oppressed the colonists with heavy taxes and restrictions on their liberties and did not listen to their pleas for help. Instead he sent military forces to America to squash their rebellion.
The Bill of Rights was a declaration of what every American should be entitled to as a citizen in America: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the right to defend themselves, their loved ones and their property and a voice in the government of the nation. The right to bear arms was intended to put teeth into the demand for freedom from oppression.
Thomas Jefferson described their intent completely in the Common Place Book.
“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
241 years later, Thomas Jefferson’s argument still holds true. Those that want to disarm us by removing our right to bear arms are essentially leaving us at the mercy of criminals and attackers.
So, every time I hear the national anthem, I will honor the founding fathers of our great country and say thank you for being wiling to lose their lives in order to protect our lives. God Bless the USA!